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T. M. Ballantyne, Jr.

From the Campaign to the Present On-going Assault on the President and the Republic - all covered in six of the author's thirteen books!

Barack Obama's FBI, et al. -
The Assault on the President Continues!
The Democratic Left and Deep State (one in the same), with the full support of the National Media (also one in the same with the other two) has been seeking to discredit and remove from office the duly-elected 45th President of the United States from the day following his election. They first tried to derail his nomination while cheerleading the campaign of his opponent, but having failed spectacularly to insure her victory, they have sought from that moment on to overturn his; and now the Deep State is leading the charge!
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The Trump Author

The Second 100 Days - Deep State/Media Coup d'etat!
Never in our nation's history have we seen such an open and brazen attempt by the Media and the Deep State to not only delegitimize, but ultimately remove from office the duly-elected President; thus overturning both the Constitution and the clearly-expressed will of the People. The universally-parroted lie that "Hillary won the popular vote" was roundly dismissed in REBUKE! The Media's Failed Assault on Donald Trump - the third book in this series. Now, under the color of law, a "Special Counsel" seeks to legitimize this unmistakable Coup d'etat!
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The Trump Author

TRUMP: The First 100 Days -
The Assault Intensifies!
Any who expected that the failed assault on the President would subside once he was officially sworn in, immediately came to see that the forces who opposed him and the will of the People would not go quietly into the night from whence they came; as the inauguration was followed by multiple waves of orchestrated violence and destruc-tion - with the flames dutifully and enthusiastically fanned by a fully-complicit Establishment Press...all to stop the President from delivering on his promises to the American People!
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The Trump Author

REBUKE! The Media's Failed Assault on Donald Trump -
The Revolution Begins!
When then-Candidate Donald Trump stated what all informed observers knew to be true - calling the election "rigged," as had obviously been the case in the Democratic Primary, in which the Clintons and their loyalists effectively stole the nomination from the self-proclaimed Socialist Bernie Sanders - the Media/Left rabidly denounced both the candidate and the allegation...only to embrace it with a fervor the second their pre-annointed "First Female" (or was it Email?) candidate unthinkably lost!

THE CONTRACT to Make America Great Again: The Key to Unifying the Party and the Country!
With the unprecedented success of Newt Gingrich's original Contract with America in 1994, sweeping the Republicans into power in the U.S. Congress for the first time in four decades, during Bill Clinton's first mid-term election, it was inevitable that candidate Donald Trump would seek to replicate the strategy in 2016...and who better to help craft and sell it to the GOP rank and file than the Contract's original architect?

TRUMP vs. The Political/Media Establishment...The Establishment vs. The Rule of Law
Fully four of the sixteen GOP opponents to Donald Trump were constitutionally ineligible to hold the office they sought...but as with the Democrats before them, the Constitu-
tion and the Rule of Law would not be allowed to stand in the way of the Republicans. Thus the GOP Establishment all lined up to dismiss candidate Trump's assertion that Ted Cruz was ineligible. He wasn't the only one, and this book inarguably proves it...unless one ignores history!
Wisdom from the Founders: Key Documents and Inspiration
From the Mayflower Compact to the Declaration of Indepen-dence and the Constitution itself; from Patrick Henry's Liberty or Death Speech to the Gettysburg Address, along with the immortal words of Thomas Paine in The American Crisis ("These are the times that try men's souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country...") and classic quotes from our nation's first four Presidents, they're all here!
Oh Really, O'Reilly! The Spin Starts Here...Apparently!
Part I
I had always taken exception to the "Sultan of Swat's" (O'Reilly's, not Ruth's!) out-of-hand dismissal of those he liked to term "ideologues," as if there were something inherently wrong with having a philosophical basis for one's political beliefs; but when I heard him mindlessly declare one night that whether Barack Obama was a Muslim or whether or not he was born in the U.S., would have "no bearing on any national policy," I could no longer remain silent!
Oh Really, O'Reilly! The Spin Starts Here...Apparently!
Part II
When I set out to write O'Reilly! I mainly intended to take the popular "Conservative" to task for his not-so-conservative views on things like abortion and the 2nd Amendment, but the issue that came to the fore and netted a never-ending tale of concealment and cover-up was the all-but-nonexistent record of the man who had come out of nowhere to become our 44th President. So in what would eventually become two volumes I managed to uncover and reveal just how it had all happened!
Uncommon Sense...Apparently! A Call to Arms
With the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency of the United States, with virtually no prior executive experience, and barely half a term in the U.S. Senate, his reckless pronouncement that we were just "five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America" caused those who loved the country he sought to overhaul to justly fear that with the help of like-minded radicals in his party and in the National Media, he just might succeed. This book lays out the entire treacherous (and treasonous) tale!
The Secret of Life Series
Books I, II, and III
In the wake of the international furor over Rhonda Byrne's book and movie The Secret, which brought to the public consciousness the concept of the Law of Attraction, the author set out to investigate the underlying principles of the law with those laid out in scripture - both Old and New Testament, as well as other ancient and modern texts embraced by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He also correlated his findings with the principles of quantum physics, mind science, and Eastern philosophy . . . .
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