Oct 10, 2017
The NFL vs. America
I received this in an email from a writer friend yesterday, and immediately made the call. Please do the same, as this is an extremely simple way to have an enormous impact on the national conversation and on the direction of the nation. It is because of the collective action of others like ourselves that Donald Trump is now President...and Hillary Clinton - likely the most corrupt political candidate of all time (and that is saying a lot!) - ISN'T! It turns out that WE were the majority all spite of what the Media would have us believe.
So let's all do this, and pas this along via Facebook and our email lists so millions more will do the same. God will only support us if we stand up for what is right and true!
According to prominent blogger, Jeff Dunetz, Anheuser-Busch has provided a phone line that allows you to call in and give your opinion on the current state of affairs in the NFL of players kneeling during our National Anthem.
Based on the feedback they receive, Anheuser-Busch will strongly consider pulling their sponsorship from the league. On Monday this line went down temporarily due to an extremely high call volume. If you have an opinion on the issue call in and make it known, every voice matters!
Anheuser-Busch Line: 1-800-342-5283 (press 1 after the automated greeting).